Occasionally it's tough to justify this site's title, having seen Spy and Jurassic World yesterday. Then you think, well, the former gets us to lighten up, especially when espionage can, we imagine, run so close to satire. The latter practically screams it was made for money, but it entertains, probably creates quite the visual and sensory experiences for those who saw it in 3D at the IMAX. And there are worse things to do on a Friday night. And for those who didn't see Jurassic Park twenty-two years ago, World probably got people thinking about toying with science, even if it retreats to horror cliches and injects military tactics, which is another horror cliche. Still, these films mean something, if not least because we have an obese, likable, trash-talking heroine in one, and another features one that outruns a supersize T-Rex in high heels. Actually, that last part doesn't matter, except for the suspension of belief.