Here's the deal with Ted 2, or the previews of Ted 2: if these are the funniest parts, and one features Morgan Freeman in a courtroom half the time, where did the story and characters go? Was there a loss of confidence in the foul-mouthed teddy bear trying to find his way in the world the first time around? A friend and I just chatted about how the first one ended with Mila Kunis and Mark Wahlberg getting married, and territory was ripe for a sequel: it's called they have a baby. Think about it: the sequel starts with the baby crawling and the little tyke is an indirect, or direct, menace, benign or malevolent, to the teddy bear. Halfway through the movie the baby learns to walk. The teddy bear has to babysit the baby during the day. Jealousy on a few fronts ensues between all the characters, as do battles of wits, actions...this could've been done. Oh, and make the baby an interesting character, which they can be. Why? They're interested in everything, which makes them automatically interesting. Now, Seth MacFarlane I believe isn't a dad, but he could invite counsel on what people have gone through who've raised kids. That requires a degree of openness, which he might need for his career to sustain in features.